Translation of a Power of Attorney by the experienced translators of Sigma TranslationsThe Power of Attorney is one of the most frequently used documents, both by individuals and legal entities. When you have to present this document in a foreign country, a professional translation of the Power of Attorney and its legalization will be necessary. For authorization purposes, there are different types of Powers of Attorney, for example:
Depending on what authorities and what actions the Power of Attorney is given for, it has specific form and contents, time limit, etc. This is why the translation of a Power of Attorney should be done only by an experienced translator who is well familiar with legal terminology and practice. In judicial documents, even minimal discrepancies in the content and form cannot be allowed because they can have serious consequences. In order for the document to be recognized abroad as well, a translation and legalization of a Power of Attorney will be necessary. In such a case, it is mandatory a sworn translator to translate the document and place their signature on a letterhead of an agency authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Likewise, in order for documents issued in a foreign country to be recognized in Bulgarian, it is necessary they to be formalized in a special way. The procedure itself is determined by the concrete situation. All documents issued by countries that have ratified the Hague Convention should have an affixed Apostille on the Power of Attorney. Other document legalization procedures are envisaged depending on the existence of bilateral contracts for legal assistance with the corresponding country, or none of the two options is valid. Express translation and legalization of a Power of Attorney for traveling abroad in VarnaTranslation and legalization of a Power of Attorney for traveling abroad may mean one of the following types of Power of Attorney:
Sigma Translations has a rich experience in the preparation of such Powers of Attorney and can quickly and qualitatively offer translation of a Power of Attorney for a car and of a declaration for traveling abroad for a child, as well as if their legalization is necessary. In a number of cases, it is necessary to have a Power of Attorney to be provided before different institutions in a foreign country. In this regard, there are different options depending on the aim, the institution, the time limit, etc. of the Power of Attorney. The translation of the Power of Attorney and the price depend on the type, the language and the time limit for preparing it. You can contact our office in Varna to receive full information about our services and prices. Translation of a criminal record certificate and/or a court decisionThe presence of documents verifying your judicial status is required when starting work, for a long stay abroad and in other cases. The translation of a criminal record certificate is necessary also when interacting with different authorities and institutions in the foreign country. In order for it to be recognized in another country that did not issue it, a legalization will be necessary. In such a case, it is mandatory the translation of the criminal record certificate to be performed by a sworn translator. Sigma Translations offers you specialized professional translation services to and from more than 30 languages. We work with experienced translators who are well familiar and practiced with the specific terminology. We offer high-quality translations of judicial documents, including translation of court decisions, orders, notices, etc. Our office is in Varna, but our clients are around the whole world. Precision translation of a notary deed for purchase and sale of a homeThe translation of a notary deed for purchase and sale of a home requires to be performed with precision, with no deviations from the content and with an excellent knowledge of the corresponding terminology. This is why the translator has to be qualified and to have a long practice in the field. The other option to verify your ownership over a property in a foreign country is the translation of a contract for purchase and sale. These documents should be legalized in order to be recognized by the competent authorities of a foreign country. The procedure vary depending on the presence or lack of certain circumstances such as an active bilateral treaty for legal assistance, ratification of the Hague Convention or in general form. Translation of a home rental contract by a qualified translator in VarnaMore and more often in our practice we receive requests for the service translation of a home rental contract. This fact is due to the increased opportunities for travel, education and career abroad. A translation of a home rental contract is required in a number of cases, but most often, it is for the issuing of a permit long-term residence in a foreign country and for employment abroad. It is not uncommon such a document to be required for the proving of legal circumstances, awarding of parental rights and other cases. Sigma Translations guarantees a professional translation of the contract and assistance for its legalization if such is necessary.